
My name is Ivika Viljasaar and I’m truly glad that you have stumbled upon my website!
It’s amazing how much you can do with needles and a sufficiently long piece of yarn! I’ve been absolutely facinated with the knitting of lace for these past few years – my work ranges from classical haapsalu shawls to fine knitted wedding dresses. Every knitted beauty is made with love and care while thinking about it’s future owner.
To me a lace is the uppermost symbol of femininity and captures beatifully the soul being a woman: while being fine, fragile and graceful, it’s also primitive, sturdy and timeless. It will compliment any woman regardless of her age, body type or style preference. It higlights the greatest details and makes you look fresh and lively even on your worst days.
Lace is my love!

It’s one of my deepest wishes to offer you lovely emotions through personalized and fine lace knitwear.

Go ahead and contact me: